Why do success stories go viral?

Fiza Maqsood
4 min readAug 24, 2022

Success stories are on the top list. Content gets more engagement when it is about achievement. That’s why many creators use big influencers and discuss their struggles and prosperity.

The question that comes to many minds is why?

Great researchers said: They go viral due to emotions.

The emotions force the audience towards action and attack the pain point of the listener, Especially when they are powerful and positive.

The encouraging phrases spread faster than the deterring ones. The usage of positive words speaks about performance. It attracts the audience to the message or moral, which is necessary for content to stand out.

People love successors. They make their ideal. They like to interact with the ones who have respect or achieved something in their life. (and that’s how the follower of the creator increases)

Here, I grab the attention of writers. If the audience wouldn’t take an interest, then how the content goes viral?

Writers know how to make the mind of people and affect their behavior. The best writing is the one that can distract thousand of the brain.

With the fascination where readers’ minds connect, we want that word’s power to stick to the audience. Emotions like “anger, joy, sad, happy, and surprise” make the connections that help to bind curiosity.

When there is curiosity, there is a way to affect the behaviors. It develops with emotions.

The interesting point is: Play with the mind by playing with emotions

Isn’t it?

Write with emotions

Most successful writers apply this strategy. Now the question exists How can you affect the mind of the readers?

By writing with emotions, Keep your mind windows open.

Before starting the answer and tips, it is important to understand, that content with emotions isn’t worst until it contains harsh words. If the words will be full of negativity then no one wants to engage with them. We use emotions but in a wise way. Let’s dive into the main aspects!

1. Attach the pain:

Tell a story with feelings, including struggle, hardships, and the outcomes. Read your audience’s mind. Not always write about happiness. Put some ingredients of sadness by telling what you faced when you were a beginner and starting your career.

The best content is which can attract the heart’s saying. When it doesn’t reach the heart, how will it feel the pain? Every story has a secret where the pain is hidden. A writer needs to identify it.

2. Positive impact:

Positivity is needed the most in every walk of life. Write that makes the readers feel good. They always wait for it. You have the words which can change their mood. Long-staying followers are beneficial people in growth.

Negativity destroys the mind’s thoughts and decreases interest. In this case, a writer loses his audience. People love to hear about new beginnings, opportunities, and positive attitudes rather than negative morals.

3. Enhance Understanding:

If the content doesn’t talk about consciousness, the words will not be understandable. A writer understands his audience and creates content that brings fruitful results. Be aware of the people, and write with better knowledge.

Understanding is the essential step to making the piece emotional. The needs and solutions are the effective part through which a writer can increase better understanding.

4. Problem-solving attitude:

Talk about the needs and their solutions. People are interested in finding positive answers to their problems. A writer should show that he will give the audience optimistic tips for their problems.

It must look like the solution to every problem is in his content. It plays another important part in making it effective. The niches of self-help, technology, and food are on the trend. Cause in some way, most of the audience find the satisfaction of their mind in such content.

5. Build Trust:

Trust is very rare. Negativity doesn’t help out in this. To build trust, we need a positive tone and truth. Yes, for a personal brand, it is crucial to create truthful content.

The content which provides trust is on the top from the beginning. Trust is an influence on the emotions and minds of people. Hope, effective results, and truthful stats can help to build trust.

6. Friendly Tone:

A polite and gentle way of writing is always the first love of the readers. Harsh phrases give the worst look. Write as if you are writing to your friend to point out the mistake as you want to separate the negativity.

The more friendly the tone will be, the more it will get likes. I prefer to use words that show a lighthearted tone. People trust the friendly content. They like to follow and grow people

7. Show Gratitude:

Writing thank you note. It means you should appreciate the things you get, like small achievements, completion of little goals, and a happy mood. When you cheer up others and talk about the gratitude of the day.

People will love to engage, and it will attract their emotions. Make other’s day by telling your story of gratitude. Spread positivity and get prosperity.

By applying 1 of these 7 keys, You can get the key to winning people’s hearts. This article was about emotion but here you got a bonus (the tips to make your content emotional)

Julie Adams: Recognize emotions as they start to arise and smile at yourself inwardly.

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Have a pleasure reading:)



Fiza Maqsood

Productive Writer | “You can do it”| I write about health, self-subsistence, media, money, writing skills