“Time doesn’t wait for anyone” Let’s change this phrase

Fiza Maqsood
3 min readAug 29, 2022


Own the time

Time is a cure, and it is painful too. People play a crucial role. When worst comes or good goes. Their actions and words remember in every situation. Situations happen, and time passes.

An individual always makes excuses and runs away from problems. It means he is not strong enough to face it, or sometimes it leads to mental laziness and self-doubt. He made his mind depressed to face any obstacle and believe in the right time and luck. He frees his thoughts and himself for any task.

Here the whole story’s circle is time.

Time is running, and situations happen.

Who is surviving?

Only the one who waits, because time doesn’t wait. Only the one who doesn’t change, because time changes every Nano sec.

Lack of confidence and undervaluing thoughts are two aspects. When they grow, it becomes impossible to own the circumstances.

If anyone wants to get rid of this runaway habit and act positively at a particular time, own what you are and what you have.

How will you own it? By controlling and ruling over time. Catch it before it’s too late.

How will you catch the time before it passes?

Here are the top 5 ways which can help out. Let’s dive into the five ways, so we do not lose time and change the phrase: Time doesn’t wait for anyone.

Control your priorities: The first thing which diverts the mind is priorities. We make specific things our main priority. Here we depress the mind and make things complicated. Then, it becomes hard to act against the existing problems. The presence of the mind is necessary while doing any task or solving a case.

Priorities give benefits when we get the controlling power closer to mind.

Stop distracting the mind: Monitor what the mind wanders and give challenging tasks. Remember, the mind is the blockbuster game changer. It can be distracted by little things or work pressure. Utilize time wisely, and keep away from the things which separate a person from his vision.

Making schedule plans and being consistent for a specific task is necessary to reach this second goal.

Practice the hard tasks: Once you make goals and plans, the next goal is to practice. A person often forgets the main aspects while working. When we distract, we can’t stick to the specific task and complete it on time. Time management needs practice, but few people understand.

Breaking a task into small stuff, setting short timings, and rewarding yourself is a good way to achieve the third goal.

Focus on delegation of a task: Know the strength and goals. Play with the time wisely to complete the task. Focus is necessary to reach your goals and strengthen yourself. The second goal: Blocking the distraction can help to delegate a task. Patience is required to focus.

Opening to new ideas and allowing yourself to do work can help to reach the fourth goal.

Know about your time limits: If you are a freelancer, beginner, or businessman and doing any work, You must realize the time you have for a specific task. The best change comes when we understand the time we have. We can utilize tasks according to time.

By identifying the tasks and dividing them into hours, one can know the time limits for the fifth goal.

Time plays an essential role in every person’s life. This article is clearly explaining about the time. How should you control time to get benefits? What is the meaning of this phrase?, and How can you change your life through time?

The answers to these three questions lie in this content. I hope it will be worth reading.



Fiza Maqsood

Productive Writer | “You can do it”| I write about health, self-subsistence, media, money, writing skills