Convert “I” into “WE” by supporting. Let’s make it happen!

Fiza Maqsood
3 min readFeb 11, 2023
This image has been taken from a canvas


In this era, when everyone is running after their desire and wants to do something for themselves, the thing which creates a problem is, a person always thinks only about himself. In which there is “I” not “WE”. (I can do it, I want to do it, I will do it) These are the sentences and quotes which are motivational pieces. That’s why he struggles for himself and forgets his companions and partners in that journey. He thinks he is facing most of the difficulties, he is doing great effort so he should grow. The mindset revolves around “I” not “WE”. When he will work for himself only and does not support anyone, the same will go for him. No one will be there to help him with his problems and cheer him when he will grow. He will find many hardships to reach his goals.

But let’s think for a while if there will be “WE” instead of “I”. What will happen? There will be more chances to grow. When anyone gets difficult, a huge community will be there to help him. The problems will be reduced. The rate of achieving results will be fast, if a person is getting success in 1 year, then a community will reach to the goal in 6 months. That’s how important a community is. When we make out motivational pieces to these quotes (We can do it, We will do it, We want to do it) How strong this sounds like! Isn’t it?

So here I am, I have 100+ followers and I want more. So let’s make this sentence like this, We are here to get followers, We will grow an interesting community and we will help in growing each other. How beautiful is it?

For this, we will have to support each other. How can you do that, let me ease the way!

  1. Follow and Engage: whoever you follow, you will engage with one of his stories and give him 50 claps. ( The same I will do whoever comments on this article or give a clap or follow me, I will engage with one of his articles and give 50 claps with a follow)
  2. Write about yourself: Tell people who you are and how can you help them. Share your story, and don’t be shy to tell how struggling you are or where you have been before this.
  3. Admire the writer’s effort: Never hesitate to like and appreciate others’ content. No matter if he has fewer followers than you or more. Comment on his post, write some suitable words, admire, and ask if you have any queries. Like: Hey, I like your content, This is a good way to summarize this topic. I appreciate your efforts, Keep writing! OR You write this content in a beautiful way. I have some queries,, can you please clear them?

There is not a big deal to say someone that you are good. Believe it will make a person’s day. And when he will be happy, and many of your problems will be resolved, this is the principle. That’s also the secret of being a positive and happiest person.

“Be happy and make others happy”

Hello, I am Fiza. My motive is to provide motivational and informative content which can help thousands of people or more. I hope many individuals will find it helpful. Keep smiling and growing!



Fiza Maqsood

Productive Writer | “You can do it”| I write about health, self-subsistence, media, money, writing skills