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Freelancing isn’t what it seems like…

Fiza Maqsood
4 min readNov 1, 2023

What to consider in your journey as a freelancer?

Most of the beginner start their journey with freelancing. They think it is the easiest way to get clients and earn income. Some hate 9 to 5 jobs, and they choose to freelance because of the flexible time. But they don’t focus on the struggle and effort they have to put in.

Behind every decision, there is a why. That is “why” helps to choose the way and work on the goals perfectly. If you consider freelancing, then what should you focus on and learn, this is a must question.

A person makes gigs on Fiver, and bids on Upwork, guru, and freelancer, but what does he get in the end?

Disappointment, and frustration with a lot of competition.

He lacks consistency and soon gives up because of the desire for overnight results.

The biggest mistake is taking freelancing easy. The writers or the service provider think they can make the biggest impact on a highly competitive freelancing platform. They have been told by their mentors that all they need is a laptop charger, internet, and 2 hours and they are all set to dive into the freelancing world. They failed to teach them how to survive when any obstacles come.

Freelancing isn’t something everyone can pursue.

What you are going to face in freelancing? How can you be the one who gets noticed among many freelancers?

1. Competition

There is a lot of competition on the freelancing platform. There are a lot of gigs on Fiverr and it will become hard for you to grab the attention of the clients. Many people bid on a job post to get their desired job but a single person got a chance to work on it.

How to grab attention and get orders then?

Personal branding: You have to grow your brand to get clients. Use social platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Go with the professional platform LinkedIn.

Work on your profile, and optimise it well. Create a post to introduce yourself and talk about skills. Stay consistent, engage with the creator’s posts, and let yourself notice.

Learn and Practice: For this, you have to research. Before creating a gig, go through the top Fiverr gigs and include the words that are working for them. Improve your cover letter, and make a list of include and exclude. Write 60% about your client’s solution and 40% about your skills.

YouTube is a university to learn any skill or get answers to your questions. Google is the second best platform where I get the answer, whenever I get stuck in freelancing. Deep Research, is what makes a person successful in social media platforms.

2. Timings

There are no flexible timings. You have to deliver the work late at night or sometimes work 12 hours a day. When we start, we don’t get time because we work days and nights to grow and get clients to be the top applicants. When we reach the top-rated badge, we get busy delivering work.

In this, you can utilize the time only. Choose the best hour in which you can work with a free mind. Focus on that time, stay consistent, and avoid distractions.

3. Be your boss

That is what everyone likes about it. They forget that they have to manage clients, expenses, skills, stats, and workload. Plus, you have to manage a good reputation that requires good reviews. For the reviews and satisfactory words, you have to work extra hours and offer free stuff in the beginning.

You have to follow the client’s guidelines and give word to his ideas as a writer. Unlimited revisions and proofreading are waiting for you.

Neither freelancing is easy nor a 9 to 5 job. What matters is what you like the most. Everything depends on your interest. You need a strong why to go with one side, then it will make you able to stay consistent and avoid procrastination. There will be less chance of giving up.


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Fiza Maqsood

Productive Writer | “You can do it”| I write about health, self-subsistence, media, money, writing skills