30-day Challenge of Writing & Engaging

Fiza Maqsood
2 min readOct 28, 2023

Are you not consistent?

Do you wanna write for 30 minutes a day and earn income?

Are you fed up with your procrastination?

Are you looking for someone who can grow with you together?

Do you believe in strong networking?

You are not alone in this. I am the person who wants to grow a community on medium.

So what to do?

Here, we are to solve the problem, I am writing and you are reading it.

I am starting a 30-day challenge and I welcome every person who wanna be with me in this challenge. This challenge will help us to grow, build a strong network, a chance to know each other, a chance of getting engagements, and have an amazing community.

We will start this challenge from 1 November on Monday, till that we have a lot of time to get to know each other and step forward for a big change.

So what are you waiting for?

1. Write about yourself

In the comments, write that you are here for this challenge. Write about yourself like: What you write and what you can provide. Sharing an article is a plus point.

I will engage with it and give 50 claps to it.

2. Give this article a clap

This is to know who is with me in this challenge. Let your audience and yourself know that the next month you have a task to do for 30 minutes daily.

3. Engage

I welcome the positive words, I know it’s hard to give 30 minutes to read when you have a busy day. But let’s try. The one who will write something in a comment or clap for this article. Let’s engage with his/her most enchanting article and appreciate the efforts.

4. Share Ideas

If anyone is feeling that he will not get an idea for posting daily. Your besties are here to help you out. Share your niche or what you write, I will give ten best ideas related to it and if anyone is able to do this, a big thanks.

This is not about engaging and networking or getting followers but to help each other and make genuine connections.

Let’s make this happen ✨

You can email me and join me for any ideas, or creative work.



Fiza Maqsood

Productive Writer | “You can do it”| I write about health, self-subsistence, media, money, writing skills